مشاهدة 10 مشاركات - 1 إلى 10 (من مجموع 10)
  • الكاتب
  • #90788

    When you feel sad

    When you feel gloomy … or… hapelessness
    When ypu don’t want to talk to … anyone
    and you don’t want to laugh and smile … because
    nothing makes the smile on your lip …
    When you don’t want to see anyone …
    When you fell … in your heart …
    you miss someone … but …but…
    you don’t know who …
    When your tears …come down …
    like rain … because… you can’t find the reason …that
    makes you can’t breathe … When you think …
    you are living in a dark jail …
    When you think the impact …
    impact everythings … everyone … is
    bad for you … is useless to you …
    When you can’t holdout to … anything …anything..
    there is onething you should do … onething
    is like a star in a dark sky …
    that thing will makes you like an angle …
    special and new person …
    like angle brings for you …
    special reward from the God …
    that thing is “the prayer”
    go to meet your God … and ask him to foregive you …
    ask him to make your heart relaxed…
    ask… and ask ..just ask your God through the prayer
    is a great communication … it is a secret between you
    and your God …I’m sure … very sure …you will be delightful
    .. and happy person .. you will be glittering person …
    look to the God … anytime…look forward to do a good
    thing … just …for the God … look forward to the heaven …
    and thank your God … for all things that … happened to you
    thank your God … do be desperate because the God
    … dosen’t like the people who are desperate…
    … so….
    Thank you God
    Thank you Allah
    thank you …
    الحمد لله,,,,,


    Thank you ALLAH, Thank you ALLAH in every case…

    I cannot say any word more that.

    Albalsm…. thank you for every word you write here.

    your words are so sensable.

    thank you again

    ALLAH bless you


    Hello Janat
    thank you for your comment about my poem

    thank you very much ,,,,


    waw it is very very nice

    thank you


    Thanks Johara that very nice from you….

    الحمد لله،،،،،



    تسلم ايدك

    حبيب الشعب طير الغرام


    thanx for your fantastic poem
    I hope that God bless u and all muslimes


    مرحبتين ,,, طير الغرام ,,,
    ومشكووووور على مرورك ,,,,
    تسلم ,,, أخي ,,,


    Hi,,, AL Brimye doughter ,,,,
    thank you ,,,,
    and I hope Allah bless you also ,,,,
    thanks ,,,

    ومشكوووووره أختي الغالية ,,,,


    thank you!

مشاهدة 10 مشاركات - 1 إلى 10 (من مجموع 10)
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