مشاهدة 7 مشاركات - 1 إلى 7 (من مجموع 7)
  • الكاتب
  • #86467

    Check all that apply to you or that you agree with.

    When you think about people in your life, you tend to think of
    those you care about and love.

    You think life is getting better all the time

    When it comes to work or school, you enjoy a challenge

    You rarely compare your clothes, money, or possessions to those of your friends.

    You enjoy giving to others, unconditionally.

    You enjoy being around people.

    You feel like your life is on the right track.

    You aren’t afraid to stand up for what you believe.

    There is enough time in your life to take care of yourself.

    You have a strong positive attitude that has gotten you through tough times

    When you feel confused, you just step back and remember that things will work themselves out.

    If you fail at something, you try to make the most of the experience anyway.

    You are proud of who you are.

    You don’t take yourself seriously. Not at all.

    You believe that finding meaning and happiness in life is something you have to do for yourself.

    Even if things are bad, you can find a reason to laugh.

    Even when your life changes drastically, you are able to thrive.
    You rather give a gift than receive one.

    You feel like you can be yourself around your friends.

    You let negative feelings go quickly.

    You rarely feel lonely.

    You feel like you have control over your life.

    Over your life, you’ve learned a lot – and grown emotionally.

    You could lose people you love (or be out of work) and still feel secure.

    Life is good. You truly appreciate what you have.

    check this in yourself



    You enjoy giving to others, unconditionally

    but with out money



    I wish everyone life is like what you wrote \:\(
    thanks i enjoy reading it…………. \:\)


    welcome sada

    you are generous in your ethics



    hiii soos

    I’m glad that you enjoyed it

    thanks for passing by


    Thanks dear


    you too

    But, how about your

    ????? to karh

    tell me please

    in the messenger

مشاهدة 7 مشاركات - 1 إلى 7 (من مجموع 7)
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