مشاهدة 14 مشاركة - 1 إلى 14 (من مجموع 14)
  • الكاتب
  • #75839

    hello everybody

    i guess we all make mistakes but what is important is to benefic from our mistakes
    reading and memorizing a lot vocabulary are good ways but they aren’t enough … most of vocabulary go out of our mind so we need to practice our english by writing and speaking .. if you don’t use language you can easily foget it

    each one of us would speak english fluently … in this space, we will help each other to improve our english in a simple and funny way

    so let’s try to write about our daily life about our hobbies… let’s discuss issues, exchange ideas,have fun, and learn new thing by using English and only English

    i hope everyone is going to participate

    and i wish we work together in order to perfect that forum

    with love and respect


    thank you for this wonderful idea..I hope we all can improve our levels in English language..I want to add that I am at the faculty of Education, department of English ..thank you alot..with all my respect


    Dear , sir

    Thank you for your advice

    but sorry for some mistakes in your writing

    for example

    you wrote foget it , but the correct word is forget it

    Also , you wrote i , but , it is must be writing Capital as, I guess, not i guess

    I hope everyone , not i hope everyone

    thank you very much for all


    thank you very much for idea


    hello my dear

    الرد على :

    thank you for this wonderful idea..

    you are welcome
    this forum could be better grace to you

    الرد على :

    I hope we all can improve our levels in English language..I want to add that I am at the faculty of Education, department of English ..thank you alot..with all my respect

    nice to meet you
    I am glad to have the opportunity to speak to you and to share my thoughts with you

    so tell us about your study.. your life..
    we want to know how you spend your day .. what are your ambitions ?
    you are here in a forum so let’s talk

    I am waiting for you

    best wishes


    good evening

    الرد على :

    Dear , sir

    miss ……

    الرد على :

    Thank you for your advice

    you are welcome .. I think you too should give us advice and ideas about learning english

    الرد على :

    but sorry for some mistakes in your writing

    for example

    you wrote foget it , but the correct word is forget it

    Also , you wrote i , but , it is must be writing Capital as, I guess, not i guess

    I hope everyone , not i hope everyone

    thank you very much for the correction … I appreciated it

    i don’t pay attention for the wrong spelling of the word “forget”
    but for the second mistake .. I know that I should write it capital .. but I don’t write it because .. it is hard to change to the capital the most of the time
    you forgot an other mistake about capitalization
    that the first words of each sentence should be capitalized

    hope to see your new correction soon hhhhhhhhhhhhh

    all the best


    hello my dear

    الرد على :

    thank you very much for idea

    you’re welcome

    .. I heard that you spent years in Morocco

    is that true? and if it is true, tell us about this experience

    with love and respect


    hello everybody

    first of all I want to greet you a good day ahead. Let us talk about committing mistakes in our life. All humans make mistakes and I guess since we are only humans we all make mistakes but what’s important is you should benefit from your mistakes and make it as a stepping stone to make you a better man/woman. However, making mistakes in English grammar is not a fault because we can make changes to it, one solution is by reading and memorizing a lot vocabulary of words and these are good ways however, they are not enough … most of vocabulary words go out of our mind when we stop conversing in English language with a person, also writing is the best way. so we need to practice our English by writing and speaking a lot to our friends.. in addition to that if you don’t use English language daily you can easily forget words that is important to our daily routine of learning English language and grammar. So in order to be fluent in English language we need to focus our mind and be attentive to the person we are having conversation so that more English language will be added to our usual vocabulary words.

    Therefore each one of us would speak English fluently … in this space, we will help each other to improve our English in a simple and funny way by letting ourselves write a letter in English in order to improve our writing comprehension.

    so let’s try to write about our daily life about our hobbies, about what we like most, as well as, what we do not like in our daily lives, let’s discuss issues, exchange our ideas, and in these way we can have fun, and learn new thing by using English and only English

    I hope everyone is going to participate in our lesson to enable learn more English language.

    and I wish we work together in order to perfect that forum

    with love and respect


    always the Arab talk and talk and talk and do nothing


    You speak english too that’s very nice my darling I love Hindi and Franch and Italian too


    hi mobi

    First of all I would like to say that your correction was 100% right

    And that I was more than surprised about this excellent correction

    but I request you to participate with us by talking not just correcting hhhhhhhhhhh

    or I will change the title of this subject from “please in english” to “let’s correct siham’s mistakes”

    thank you so much for your detailled correction of my paper


    الرد على :

    always the Arab talk and talk and talk and do nothing

    I don’t think so

    there are arabic who speak a lot and do not do anything and arabic who speak and make useful things

    and here we should talk because it is the only way which enables us to improve our english

    I hope to see your talk soon


    الرد على :

    You speak english too that’s very nice my darling I love Hindi and Franch and Italian too

    hi my darling

    I don’t speak english very well like french but I would like to be able to speak this internationnal language fluently

    it is magnefic to love bizarre languages like Hindu and italian but you have to study hard if you want to know how to speak all these languages

    but I am sure that you can do it


    Hello everybody..I am very sory for being late to share you your interesting topic..once we should co_operate to expand our activities in this page..so everyone of us can to suggest how can we get alot of benefits by talking together ..and every one of us help the others to rise their levels in language not to critic them..and so I will begin this step. I think that speaking about our life is not enough..we can also whatever is our study to provide to the topic interesting and useful subjects like stories, lows, poetry, facts,jokes…..etc. In this way we all can work together , and there would not be anyone who enter to this topic just to read,he or she must work and provide subjects but in English.And finally I suggest to choose a title for our work as:To be or not to be,a one can revival a country,….etc. And everyone of you must suggest atitle ,and we all at the end can choose only one of these titles for our work.Thank you very much for allowing to me to talk to you.My name is DINA,18 years.With all my respect.

مشاهدة 14 مشاركة - 1 إلى 14 (من مجموع 14)
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