الرئيسية منتديات مجلس اللغات الأجنبية .•.°.•.•.. Hold my Hand ..•.•.°.•

مشاهدة 12 مشاركة - 1 إلى 12 (من مجموع 12)
  • الكاتب
  • #74727

    .. eVeNiNg SuGeR ..

    .•.°.•.•.. Hold my Hand ..•.•.°.•

    A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The father was

    kind of scared so he asked his little daughter

    Sweetheart please hold my hand so that you don’t fall into the river

    The little girl said, No, Dad. You hold my hand

    What’s the difference?asked the puzzled father

    There’s a big difference, replied the little girl

    If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are

    that I may let your hand go.. But if you hold my hand, I know for

    sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go

    In any relationship ..
    the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond ..
    So hold the hand of the person whom you love
    .. rather than expecting them to hold ours

    BeST wISheS



    الرد على :

    So hold the hand of the person whom you love
    .. rather than expecting them to hold ours

    شكرا لك على النصيحة الحلوة مثلك
    و اتمنى ان يتفهم الجميع كما ادركت تلك الصغيرة
    و تقبلى تحياتى و ارق الامنيات
    قلـــــ حزين ـــــب


    thanKs dear

    wonderful topic


    مشكوره حبيبتي الغاليه على المرور الغالي عليا

    دمتي بـــود وبحب

    احترامي ومودتي


    thanks my lovely for nice passing

    all my respect


    Hi Gazzzooooola

    Thanks my sweet Heart


    hello my lovely

    thanks for passing by

    all my respect


    nice words from nice heart

    and i say forever

    somebody good ,somebody bad

    somebody happy and some body sad

    be waht you want to be

    but remember every day be happy

    that”s what i want you to be

    and somebody said if you want to be like the star or the moon

    you must be like our prophet mohamad

    did u read one book it’s name call alkhalidoon


    ..•.•.°.• thanks you ..•.•.°.•


    .•.°.•.•.. nice words..•.•.°.•
    .•.°.•.•.. Thank You Ghazala..•.•.°.•


    With out you lif is black not white , With out you the world has not hope

    no light , With out you I can’t go left or right , With out you I lose my
    sight ………………………….my sunglasses


    Good Day Gazalaa

    Really it is a nice story & makes us remember how our parents always care of us .

    Thanks a lot
    Abu Hadi

مشاهدة 12 مشاركة - 1 إلى 12 (من مجموع 12)
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