مشاهدة 5 مشاركات - 1 إلى 5 (من مجموع 5)
  • الكاتب
  • #72279

    In the following sentences,there are some common errors. Can you find them?

    1- I like to swim in the sea.
    2- My jeans is blue.
    3- There is a nice film on the TV
    4- Would you mind to lend me some money
    5- I have many good informations for you
    6- He let me to use his mobile
    7- Ten and ten are twenty
    8- He as well as I am at the top of his class

    Thank you and goodbye for now


    Thank you


    Mowoouwoowoowoodhoua values Yagali deserve appreciation Ntmana more blog Raaratovah really beautiful, but I can not find Khta Sowoouri, God willing, the second time


    i thought this is the correct answer

    1- I like swimming in the sea.
    2- My jeans are blue.
    3- There is a nice film on TV
    4- Would you mind lending me some money
    5- I have many good information for you
    6- He let me use his mobile
    7- Ten and ten is twenty

    thanks my dear for this valiable subject

    all my respect to you


    thank you for your reply
    I think number 5 should be
    I have some or much information
    thank you and all my respect

مشاهدة 5 مشاركات - 1 إلى 5 (من مجموع 5)
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