مشاهدة 4 مشاركات - 1 إلى 4 (من مجموع 4)
  • الكاتب
  • #69379
    the lion

    A funny story
    A professor in the science of English grammar undertook a sea voyage.
    During the voyage, he asked the sailor whether knew anything of
    the science of grammar.
    The sailor replied that he did not.
    “Then you have lost one half of your life” said
    the professor.

    Later, a violent storm blew out. Wind and waves swept and tossed the vessel
    like a feather, and the small ship was about to sink.
    The sailor came near the grammarian and
    asked him, “Do you know how to swim, sir?”
    The grammarian replied sadly that he did not.
    The sailor smiled and said to him, “Then you have lost all your life


    Thank the lion about this nice story

    If anything which we do not know…. makes us loose a half of our life

    …. we might be died from many years


    Thanks………………………………………… The lion


    thank you


    nice and funny words


مشاهدة 4 مشاركات - 1 إلى 4 (من مجموع 4)
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