الرئيسية منتديات مجلس اللغات الأجنبية Welcome to Majalisna English Forum

مشاهدة 9 مشاركات - 1 إلى 9 (من مجموع 9)
  • الكاتب
  • #54759
    the lion

    we made this forum to know what you feel

    when can’t write in Arabic language

    write here

    when you want to show your feelings

    write here

    when you are lonely just write here

    always will find somebody ready to talk with you

    here in Majalisna forum >>> always best knowledge

    in my last words I want to say :

    please don’t type in Arabic language in this forum

    al last

    have a nice day

    your lover

    the lion


    hi the lion

    how are u

    i don’t have something to write it here now

    but i just want to tell you thinks a lot for the forum

    it is a great idea

    and that we want to be from you ..the first participation

    i am waitting


    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    [/أI think this forum is going to die coz rarely if anyone participates in it ,,,,therefore the inspector of this forum should do something to give the life again to the English Forum



    hi there
    thanks for trying to help us practicing our English
    i hop all the English language teachers in the Sultanate and other countries reccomend this page to their students
    with such websites we can creat an environmental litracy for those who really want to learn English
    thanks and i wish you all the best


    hi lion
    and thanks alot for this great idear >>>

    can i writ a peom or somthing like that ??


    هلا والله
    مشكووررين على الموضوع


    . Tanks dear lion for this beautiful forum
    thats will help the people who want learn english

    hallo berkan alawateef you have to writing by english language try even if you write rong you have to try

    good luck


    thank you very much the lion i hope this forum will be benefit for the students


    thnak you very much
    I wish from you much
    love Syria

مشاهدة 9 مشاركات - 1 إلى 9 (من مجموع 9)
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