مشاهدة 3 مشاركات - 1 إلى 3 (من مجموع 3)
  • الكاتب
  • #50582

    Life is a miracle
    ,don’t let it slip away
    Open your heart to others
    .give of yourself each day

    See the beauty in everyone
    ,regardless of where they’ve been
    Some have a difficult journey
    .and really need a friend

    Share your gifts and talents
    .listen with your heart
    Do the things you dream about
    .but don’t have time to start

    Pick a bouquet of flowers
    ,show someone that you care
    Be gracious and forgiving
    .life is never fair

    Hold on to your courage
    ,you may need it down the road
    We all have a cross to bear
    .it could be a heavy load

    If you practice all these things
    ,no matter where you roam
    You may find both sun and rain
    !but you’ll never feel alone

    Best Wishes


    Do the things you dream about
    .but don’t have time to start

    well, you should have said
    “but don’t have the courage to start”

    Actually, you are right. That’s what we need to have, become
    and do in our life.

    Nothing could have shown these meanings better than these words.

    Thanks mobi


    الرد على :

    Life is a miracle

    yes it is

    thanks a lot for your sweet words

مشاهدة 3 مشاركات - 1 إلى 3 (من مجموع 3)
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