مشاهدة 4 مشاركات - 1 إلى 4 (من مجموع 4)
  • الكاتب
  • #35253

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    all of us read books …stories ….news …..etc

    but do we know how to read ??? how to improve our reading skills

    hereunder , i would like to help most of us to development our reading skills

    before u continue reading … i hope u ingnore my mistakes … & enjoy it


    .Don’t stop / Don’t interrupt your reading flow –
    .Relax, get in a comfortable sitting environment –
    !!! Read twice
    A .Idea of the passage
    B. Clear details understanding
    Don’t worry about the difficult words


    Comprehension Strategies
    ;Main idea guestions – focus on topic and concluding sentences –
    .Details/spersific infor-focus on scaning inside supporting sentences –
    .Match key words in guestion and in passage –


    .Guess the meaning from the context –
    .Use Grammatical Clause –
    .Use word parts –

    I hope this topic will be helpful and useful for you


    شو يعني


    Thanks for the Reading hints


    i would like to help most of us(to development) our reading skills
    we dont put a noun after to .we always put a verb and the verb is develop
    i will be very pleased if u can give some datails not headlines only

مشاهدة 4 مشاركات - 1 إلى 4 (من مجموع 4)
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