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  • الكاتب
  • #34113

    Before the War:

    The country of Iraq previously known as Persia, is popularly known as one of the seven wonders of the world due to its hanging garden in babvlon as well as one of the rich producing countries in the middle east of oil. During those days this country is peaceful and the people are kind, generous and courteous especially to the older generation. They have no electricity but the people are very creative and intelligent by creating their own process of cooking food. However, due to uncontrollable situation the country changes its president and become one country producing weapons of mass destruction (as United States stated) that was unacceptable to other countries.

    Apparently, due to its hesitant to United Nations recommendations to check their stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, the United Nations put sanctions to Iraq that put the people in hunger due to food was being harsh and no communications to other countries and all their products were being put on hold and due to this, the country goes to war and suffered defeat in the hands of the coalition forces.

    After the War:

    After the defeat of the regime of Saddam Hussein (deposed Iraq president) the people suffered more, due to during the early reconciliation process electricity is being cut and the food is being ration. There is resistance from the people and they revolt to the coalition forces by kidnapping journalist and killing their countrymen they knew that are helping the coalition forces. Due to absence of the law and regulations in the country after the war some armed militant was advising all coalition forces to leave the country. However, until now there are places reported being unstable due to car bombing is uncontrolled. Accordingly, an election was held in the country and after they proclaimed the winner of the election, changes in the country has been felt, electricity returned to normal and food was abundant due to the help of other countries to build again the country. Until now, resistance is being felt in the country consequently, the people are still optimistic that their country will return to normal because of the elected government officials as well as, the coalition forces are doing their role to bring back to country to normalization.
    Iraq, is now moving on with the help of outside agencies and still an investigation is being done if there are stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in the country. However, if I will be ask which is better if it is before the war, or after the war, I prefer before the war due to the people are satisfied with their lives unlike after the war, they do not know what will happen to their country as well as, to their economy.

    Best Regards


    that is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
    thank you
    Remember me & Dont forget me

    محمد البابلــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــي


    I have no clue what is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood about the suffering of our people in Iraq and the miserable conditions over there. What is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood about the daily killing and death of many… What is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood about the invasion of Iraq?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    we all understand the situation of Iraq and ofcourse we are not happy about it. i personally hate to see what happend since day one plus i have seen videos that never been forcasted on TV.
    what i think the “goooooooooooooooooood” was about bringing up the issue and the information about Iraq yesterday and today.
    i hope you get what i mean.


    Thanks Dear, I understand what you have meant and what brother Mohd did so. I was pointing to something else if you have browsed this forum you will get what I meant.


    it needs alot of courage to open such a subject
    and u passed all the fences and spoke directly and reached the point

    from all my heart i say god helps them and let evry one enjoy a peacefull life home


    yea wat mobi say’s is right in my opinion!!

مشاهدة 7 مشاركات - 1 إلى 7 (من مجموع 7)
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