مشاهدة 7 مشاركات - 1 إلى 7 (من مجموع 7)
  • الكاتب
  • #33632

    I was laying in bed
    Tossing and Turning
    Crying so much
    My eyes were burning
    Inside of my body
    I could feel my heart break
    Never before had I
    Experienced such an ache
    I guess reality
    Was starting to set in
    I would never be able
    To call you mine again
    What we once had
    Means nothing to you now
    You’ve already moved on
    But I don’t know how
    Everything I ever did
    I did it all for you
    I made it through another day
    Believing everything you said was true
    I thought you really loved me
    And that you really did care
    I thought you were the real thing
    And that you’d always be there
    I should have known
    It was to good to be true
    Because now I’m lying in bed
    Longing for you
    You want to remain friends
    But I love you the same
    Thats why tonight
    I’m ending this game
    I want you to know
    That I’ve always loved you
    Since the very first time we met
    And theres nothing I could do
    I tried to stop loving you
    But there is no way
    Not when I saw you smiling
    Every single day
    So tonight when I die
    Remember one thing
    I died with a pain in my heart
    Only a true love could bring


    no you don’t .beleive me


    it touched me


    What a pain??

    It really makes us feel it and live in all its details even
    if we haven’t experience such a situation

    Million thanks to you mobi


    please don`t say that

    If you die …. we will follow you

    You should`nt let her alone

    You dont know that ” if the girl love someone … she can`t

    live without him “

    I am sure that she will kill herself if you let her

    dont go away …. you must challenge this feeling

    I wish for you happy and long life with your love

    My best regards



    Thank you TAMARA for read

    with all my love

    Best regards


    Thank you for read

    Best regards

مشاهدة 7 مشاركات - 1 إلى 7 (من مجموع 7)
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