مشاهدة 15 مشاركة - 1 إلى 15 (من مجموع 16)
  • الكاتب
  • #32460
    Jimmy Russell

    This is the first time I am here in this site and I hope that the person who is in charge of it let me say something about English Language in my country, Iraq

    That if they see any one speaking English directly they will blame him as a spy, that he help the enemy which is called America

    . This story had happened to me sometime ago

    I was walking along the street that led to the bridge and a car was stopped just near me. There was a foreign person want to speak with me .He said “excuse me sir, where can I find the way to Al- Sheraton hotel?

    I was too happy to lead him the way, but when he left another car stopped at the same point and I was forced to get into the it. There were three men all armed and hiding their faces carefully. I was too scared about what would they do with me. They said nothing while the car was moving. Although I tried to know what happened or why did they kidnapped me. After a while they tied my arms and my eyes carefully so as not to see the way. As about two hours of struggle, the car was stopped and they took me inside a building. Then they took off the cloth from my eyes and I see that there were five of them in the room. They told me that I’m a spy and I helped the enemy and I should die. I shouted at the top of my voice telling them the truth but they were not listening. So I began crying and crying thinking that this may break their hearts and will let me go, but they are not. Finally I realized that I will die so I stop every thing.

    After what it seemed along year but actually two hours the big boss told them to prepare their knifes to cut my nick at that point I said “every thing is finished”

    Two of them hold my legs and one hold my arms while the fourth was standing with a camera to record the site. And the last one came with his knife to cut my head , I don’t know what happened to me( my heart was faster , my legs can’t bear me , every thing in my body was died , my breathing is stop, I sew my father , my mother, my little girl and wife, my sisters all gathered around me and crying , My little girl saying where is the head of my father , I remember all good and bad things that I did during my life.)

    At the point that the knife touches my nick I shouted at the top of my voice


    Then my wife hurried quickly to wake me

    Yes it was just a bad dream


    if the story go longer a little iwas going to cry for you………but thank Allah you are all right and thank Allah that it was a dream…….

    even in english you have good words………….thank you for your dream…..sorry for your nightmare……hhhhh
    may Alaah save you


    what this agruesome dream , hallelujah u still rational , i envy your wife because fortunate with u


    Thank you brother , it was good story
    Its not dream , its happen every day in Iraq
    So many innocent people been killed with no
    reason at all.

    Brother , you have little miss spelling below
    I know you are perfect in English ,
    Don’t worry just to remind you only
    Best Regards






    Jimmy Russell

    Thanks alot for all
    thank you but these mistakes were because of the speed of writing.


    I know brother … I know about your English level

    Don’t worry You are the best.

    Best Regards

    best smaile

    تم إلغاء هذا الموضوع بواسطة mobi


    والله مشالله عليكم الناس تتفنن بالكتابه وانا جالسه اتهجا الكلمات عشان افهم نصها

    الله يوفقكم ويبلغني شوي بس عشان اقدر امشي بالدراسه اقلها

    Jimmy Russell

    الاخوات كندة وشفيقة المحترمات

    Thank you for your coming to this , but really we need Englis as well as Arabic because it is the first language in the world.
    And if any one needs help I’m ready
    Thanks again


    Dont worry about what they said.I know somethink that one who talk about you is gellus from you.

    Jimmy Russell

    Thanks 4 that honey
    Guess who
    and let him die when you laugh


    hi there
    good luck


    you are very great

    Jimmy Russell

    you are better


    تم إلغاء هذا الموضوع بواسطة mobi

مشاهدة 15 مشاركة - 1 إلى 15 (من مجموع 16)
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