مشاهدة 4 مشاركات - 1 إلى 4 (من مجموع 4)
  • الكاتب
  • #32373
    a7la jolnar

    when your eyes being full in tears
    And your smile leave your lips
    When the sorrow unmake your heart
    Surely the llaugh you miss
    The hope and the bliss
    Nobody con help you ; you think
    To give back you sing
    At the distal horizon look
    You will see the key; but don’t shok!!
    Because i mean your friend ; he can brok your lock
    he can listen to you more than the all
    Be confident your problims he can solve
    Give him your trust and love
    He will keep thos forever
    step of step together will climb to over
    you will not be sad together
    Try afriendship’s trip
    You will feel that’s no distance of the smile and your lip
    To know how much is the friendship
    Lose one of your frinds

    And thank yoooooooouuuuuuuuuuu


    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    First of all ,we welcome u at Al- Nadabi Site . we wish u to enjoy this site . U r topic is nice especially the friendship is soooooo important 4 each one of us


    a7la jolnar

    thank you very much amaal
    thanks for your nice words
    realy you have abeautiful personality
    and good luck

    your friend


    it is good thing when you have some thing

مشاهدة 4 مشاركات - 1 إلى 4 (من مجموع 4)
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