مشاهدة مشاركة واحدة (من مجموع 1)
  • الكاتب
  • #3210

              The Mother Board Constraction
    Motherboard is the main circuit board of a computer. All electrical components plug in to the motherboard. It contain expansion slots, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Memories (RAM, ROM), Jumpers…etc.
    Expansion Cards:
    Expansion card is a circuit board that plugs into an expansion slot. Computers usually came with several expansion cards. For example, most computers have an expansion card that generates the images displayed on the screen (Display Adapter).
    An expansion card adds to regular capabilities of a computer. For example, an expansion card can add CD-quality sound.
    There are other cards used or plugged into the motherboard, for example VDU card, fax modem card and so on.
    Processor or Microprocessor:
    The Processor is the main chip in the computer. It processes instructions, performs calculations and manages the flow of information through the system.
    It is also CPU (Central Processing Unit). The speed of the Processes is measured in Megahertz (MHz), which indicates millions of cycles per second. Each processor generation is available in several speeds. The faster the speed, the faster the computer operates. There are many types of Processors with different speeds.

    There are Many types of Memories such as RAM, SIMM, DIMM, Cash Memory and ROM.
    RAM: stand for Random Access Memory. It is used to hold a computer program while it is being run and to hold the data on which the program operate with no mechanical movement. Data can be accessed from RAM at electronic speeds.
    There are three types of RAM: VRAM, SRAM and DRAM. VRAM is video RAM and SRAM is Static works at very high speeds and DRAM for Dynamic it is relatively inexpensive and used for the computers main Memory.
    SIMM: is a circuit board that holds DRAM chips. SIMM is a single In-Line Memory module.
    DIMM: is a circuit board that holds DRAM chips. It has more performance than SIMM. DIMM is the new one it has 64 to 123 of memory. DIMM is dull In-Line memory module.
    Cash Memory: Programs and data are loaded to RAM from secondary storage because the time required to access a program instruction or piece of datum from RAM is significantly less than accessing it from secondary storage. Cache memory is used by computer designers to increase computer system rate. Cache memory uses a technology that is about 10 times faster than memory. Cache memory reduces the time it takes the CPU to get information from the main memory.
    PCI: The peripheral component inters bus is the most so phisticates type of bus. This bus runs at the same speed as the VL-BUS but can connect more devices. Bus width 32 and 64 bit.
    AGP: The accelerated graphics port. Electrical specification is an extension of the PCI electrical specification. The modifications are designed to provide a higher performance graphics interface. Bus width 6 bits and 66 MHz speed.
    Ports: A port is a socket at the back of the computer where you plug in an external device. This let instructions and data flow between the computer and device. There are tow types of Ports Serial Ports and Parallel Ports.
    Serial port: Has either 9 or 25 pins and known as male connector. This sends a bit of data through a cable at a time. COM, a computer internally labels each serial port with the letters COM, the fist port named COM1, the second named COM2 and so on.
    Parallel port: has 25 holes known as female connector. This type of port connects a printer or type drive. Parallel port is faster than serial port.

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مشاهدة مشاركة واحدة (من مجموع 1)
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