الرئيسية منتديات مجلس تقنية المعلومات أريد مساعده فوريه إذا ممكن… (من أصحاب الخبرة )

مشاهدة 6 مشاركات - 1 إلى 6 (من مجموع 6)
  • الكاتب
  • #30258
    روح الورد

    السلام عليكم

    إذا ممكن اريدكم تساعدوني في حل الأسئلة التاليه و التي تخص تقنيات الكمبيوتر

    الأسئلة لها عدة إختيارات .. أنا حاولت أحلهم بس ما متأكده من إجاباتي … أتمنى تساعدوني … الأسئلة هي:

    1. A customer has recently upgraded memory in a unit that supports RAMBUS. The system is not detecting the new memory. What is possible case?
    a. CMOS has not been configured to accept additional memory.
    b. System firmware needs to be upgraded to support over 256MG of memory.
    c. RIMM/CRIMM placement is not correct on the system board.
    d. Operating system has not been configured to accept additional memory.

    2. what is the maximum addressable number of USB devices?
    a. 63
    b. 64
    c. 127
    d. 128

    3. what is SCSI? A standard for transmission of _______.
    a. IP information over fiber Channel.
    b. IP information over SCSI cabling.
    c. SCSI command console LUN mapping over a LAN.
    d. SCIS information over IP.

    4. what is the main difference between Pentium and Xeon processor?
    a. cash size.
    b. Xeon MP bus is faster.
    c. Xeon cpu is slower.
    d. Two cpu cores.

    5. which product can be configured with two processor
    a. Desktops.
    b. Workstations.
    c. Thin clients.
    d. Notebooks.

    6. a client is _____________.
    a. A workstation with reduced client management features.
    b. A ultra- slim desktop with a flat screen monitor.
    c. A intelligent terminal with local processing capability.
    d. A ultra- slim desktop configured for remote manageability.

    7. which options are found under security features in the BIOS setup utility?
    a. Setup password.
    b. Boot order.
    c. Device configuration.
    d. Date and time.

    8. following a failed BIOS update, the BIOS is corrupted and the system will not boot, how do you restore the BIOS?
    a. Boot the system and press f11 key.
    b. Insert system restore cd and boot the system.
    c. Create the ROM image diskette and boot the system.
    d. Boot the system from the network.

    9. what is the maximum number of drivers required for a RAID 5 configuration?
    a. 1
    b. 2
    c. 3
    d. 4

    10. what does a technician need to do after replacing failed drive in RAID5 solution?
    a. Restore data from tap backup.
    b. Nothing system will rebuilt itself.
    c. Set the new disk to online.
    d. Reconfigure RAID

    11. when adding a new SCSI drive, it is important to ___________.
    a. enable drive in SCSI bios.
    b. Configure the device SCSI id on the drive
    c. Add an extra terminator on the SCSI cable
    d. Reconfigure RAID

    12. A raid system with 5 identical 10gb drives has one failed disk. A technician replace the failed drive with 20gb disk the array will _____________
    a. Increase the capacity by 10 GB
    b. Have same capacity as before replace
    c. Increase capacity by 5 GB
    d. Not work since all disks are not same physical size.

    13. A system boot from a SCSI drive. An IDE Hard disk has been added to the system and the system will no longer boot. What is the case?
    a. IDE drive is not terminated properly
    b. System has deflated to the IDE drive as bootable.
    c. SCSI and IDE devices cannot coexist in system.

    14. What is the advantage of using HP approved memory?
    a. Speed
    b. Improves error connection
    c. Reliability
    d. Parity

    15. How many slots are available for memory expansion in HP thin clients?
    a. 0
    b. 1
    c. 2
    d. 3

    16. What replacement part can result in “ invalid electronic serial number error”?
    a. Hard drive
    b. Memory
    c. System board
    d. Processor

    17. if the system still locks up after replacing the processor, what is the cause?
    a. The system board is set t wrong speed
    b. The processor cache is smaller
    c. The problem has been misdiagnosed
    d. Only the processor could be causing this issue

    18. The system turned off during process of updating the ROM if the system no longer boots, what should you do first?
    a. Replace the system board
    b. Try to flash over network
    c. Perform boot block flash
    d. Re-flash from a hard drive

    19. Which utility is used for testing of an internal IDE drive?
    a. Disk cleanup
    b. DPS
    c. Disk defragmenter
    d. QRS

    20. The customer uses restore CD to reload the OS on the Intel based system and wants the most current drivers. What should they load first?
    a. Option card drives
    b. Chipset driver
    c. Printer driver
    d. Keyboard driver

    روح الورد

    شو يعني ما حد يعرف يحل؟؟

    معقولة المشرفين ما يعرفوا؟؟

    مدير عام

    السلام عليكم ……

    حل الأسئلة كالتالي , مع ملاحظة بأن هناك أسئلة غير واضحه في طريقة طرحها أو يمكن أن تشمل على أكثر من إجابة ..

    الإجابات :

    1. a

    2. c

    3. a

    4. a

    5. b

    6. d

    7. a

    8. b

    9. d

    10. d

    11. a

    12. a

    13. b

    14. a

    15. c

    16. d

    17. c

    18. d

    19. c

    20. d

    ملاحظة مهمة :
    الأجوبة التي تم وضعها للأسئلة لم تكن أجوبه مثاليه … فهنالك أجوبة أكثر صحه غير موجودة في الخيارات المتوفرة …. وبالتوفيق

    بدر الندابي

    روح الورد

    أولا أشكرك كثير الشكر أخي الندابي على تعاونك معاي

    أخي هذه عطومي إياها في إمتحان قدمته و بصراحه تخلبطت كثير و تشككت في إيجاباتي

    ممكن توضح اللي مو واضح و تعطيني الأفضل حتى إذا واجهتني مثل هذه الأسئله أقدر أحلهم


    الحل حسب معلوماتي وأرجو إبلاغي إن كانت إجاباتي خطأ
    سوف اذكر لك رقم السؤال والإجابة لكل سؤال
    بسم الله نبدأ


    روح الورد

    كيف يعني ؟؟؟

    من الحين إجابته صح؟؟

    أريد أعرف

    و أرجوا من الأخ بدر الندابي يوضح لي إذا أمكن

    مشكورين على التواصل

مشاهدة 6 مشاركات - 1 إلى 6 (من مجموع 6)
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