مشاهدة مشاركة واحدة (من مجموع 1)
  • الكاتب
  • #29957
    سكر زياده

    What a thrill!
    The Swing!
    The old Swing!
    Taking me up with moments of ecstasy
    Bringing me down the merories lane

    I remember my first ride on my mother’s lap
    I remember my father giving it a gentle push
    I remember my first bruise when I went alone
    On the same old swing

    The swing I grew up with
    The swing I played with my friends
    The swing I shared with my siblings
    The same Iron swing

    The smell of fragrances of the flowes
    The sweet smiles of the boy next door
    The tears of joy of my ‘A’ grades
    Everything I experienced on the swing

    It pepped me up
    when I was down
    It blew me in glee
    when I was blue

    It shared my happiness
    in all times
    It shared my fears
    and also my tears

    All alone in silence
    I went up with the swing
    With thoughts of everything
    I came down with the swing

    The innocent smiles of childhood
    The sweet memories of adulthood
    The responsibities of womanhood
    All I have shared with the swing

    The same swing
    My favourite swing
    Now old
    Now rusty
    Not swinging along

    Just like me
    Just like my life
    which stopped swinging gladly
    and is now all rusted
    With worries and Tensions

    No ups
    No downs
    The swing
    Really old now
    Its just a swing now
    In the old garden
    Of my memories.

    written by: Anita

مشاهدة مشاركة واحدة (من مجموع 1)
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