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  • الكاتب
  • #28370
    just a moment


    Lots of different issues have been discussed here, hence
    i would like to catch this chance to come up with really
    an important issue that needs to be discussed in such
    club like this.

    my topic is simply: why is ” impermissible” for a girl to ask for marriage from the one she considers as the best choice>>

    why is it so and we know that our mother(khadija) asked
    his prophet to marry her?

    I agree that a girl can’t do so even though she tries her best to give hints….but why?

    Sometimes girls become victims of thier parents choices without consideration of her own feelings, believes or desires>>

    believe me , since it is not forbidden why do we give ourselves the right to decide this allowed and this is not while Allah says “YES’?

    If u have any point of view
    plz share ur opinions with us

    thanks a lot

    سكر زياده

    hi just a moment

    sorry im late.. i was a little busy

    so.. about your Q

    i think that most of the gurls would’t do that

    even if it was not forbidden or ecceptable in their community

    its a matter of dignity and self respect.

    what i mean… its just hard for a gurl to make the 1st move ..

    she’ll keep wondering if he likes her…

    and what if he told her that he likes another girl

    i’ll be major imbaressment and humiliation..

    all she can do is wating 4 him to do it

    and if he didn’t..that means hes not interested in marrieing her..

    although it could happen in one cas… if they knew each other. . very well

    thats it 4 now

    thanx j

    i wanna know what the (GUYS) think about it????


    I beleive that girl has the right to select whatever she wants, but the way followed in our society is the man who go and ask for his wife, so if girl come and ask that particular man about her feeling, and discovered that he was totally away of her thinking what do you think the result will be in my opinion it will be shamed for girl even so in islam is allowed, ?
    I beleive in say saying ask husband for ur doughter before ur son. but at the end I will come to our socienty where we can’t get away of it .

    سكر زياده

    so u agree with me

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