مشاهدة 6 مشاركات - 1 إلى 6 (من مجموع 6)
  • الكاتب
  • #24381

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Hello everybody..
    How about joining me/us and share some answers to the following questions..

    What was/is your major? Why you chose it?

    What are the courses you loved most? (3 maximum) & why do you love it?

    Do you think u studied/study in a university/college that has a good study system?

    If you have the chance to change your major…will you do that? If yes to which major you want to change it & Why?

    That’s it for now lol…shall I start by answering the Qs?? I Don’t know…if your interested in the whole subject…tell me


    hello 🙂

    well , my majore is speach therapy for little deaf kid’s

    i choose this majore especially cuz i dunu i feel deaf kids is sooo smart and lovely and i wanted to know sign language i think

    they r sooo mesteres kids and i think my study in univ was good but not that good :)( they will kill me ) and i think that if the times return i wont change my majore cuz i study what i love

    ummmmmmmmm i liked sign language course

    and prayel language for blind


    have fun


    wow….mashAllah..you’v got a very good major…i’v always wanted to learn the sign lang.
    tell us about it from time to time

    as for me…i will wait for you guys…it seems you’v got cool majors…lol will answer the Qs myself later

    thanks little bird


    where are you people


    We are all here but just waiting to find a perfect answer, dont
    you want to get a perfect one?
    Anyway, my major is ENGLISH and I am not thinking of changing it, simply because it is my choice. The main courses I am taking
    now are reading, writing and speaking which also involves grammar. Actually, I guess all the courses in my major are connecting to each other but I mostly prefer writing and literature, and that is the main thing that made me join you.
    Well, I love my major no matter what other people think or say about it. I just feel I was born to study English and go through it. About the university I study in, I believe it is perfectly excellent and I am proud of myself that I am here. Actually, all my teachers here praise this university and say that it is one of the best places they have worked in, specially because they are from non-Arab countries and have been to many places before. Well, that is quite too long but you asked for an answer from A PERSON who is fond of talking about her major, teachers and university.


    thanks a lot Cecilia ….am not looking for a perfect answer…i think that every person believe thats his/her choise will be the perfect one..i just asked the Qs…to get to know you guys and know our major and how you enjoy it.
    i liked your major as well…coz its in a way related to my major…am gonna talk about it later i guess lol…am glad that you’v got / had a good teaching system in your Univ.

    thanks Cecilia

مشاهدة 6 مشاركات - 1 إلى 6 (من مجموع 6)
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