مشاهدة مشاركاتين - 1 إلى 2 (من مجموع 2)
  • الكاتب
  • #21774

    First I would just have to say
    Seeing you just brightens my day
    When I look into your eyes I can see
    The real feelings that you have for me

    I can see the things you don’t want me to know
    I can see the feelings that you don’t show
    When your hands slide down over my skin
    .The feelings of love will show again

    Happy and content is how I feel with you
    You never make me upset or blue
    You try to please me in every way
    .Which is one of the reasons you brighten my day

    You are in my thoughts both day and night
    You bring in my morning light
    As sleep consumes me, you are near
    Either on my mind or laying there

    My dreams have been sweeter since we met
    That day is a day I will never forget
    If I had a day to live over again
    .That day in September is where I’d begin

    chef ahmed

    you are great and senstive person
    i dont know you love me by all this power
    what i have to say to you now am blusheing and wish you happy

مشاهدة مشاركاتين - 1 إلى 2 (من مجموع 2)
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