مشاهدة 8 مشاركات - 1 إلى 8 (من مجموع 8)
  • الكاتب
  • #21580
    internet man

    u may b bald
    Or u cud b black
    u may b a vegetarian
    u may b a boy
    or a gurl
    u may fart alot
    u may b fat
    u may talk alot
    u may think u r the king…
    or the queen
    u may b bad
    or u cud b gud

    u may b in the circus
    or work as a D.J
    u may b weird
    or u may b cool
    u may hav weird tastes
    u may b fit
    or hip
    u may b a cow gal
    or a cow boy
    u may go by sled
    or u mite hav a car
    u mite wear glasses
    or u mite not
    but u r still my frend


    wow…if you mean that ..i think every body wish be your friend.. and everybody need friend belive that words…


    سكر زياده

    cooool subject
    i like it

    but i also gotta say this

    they cant b friend
    bcuz the guy know nothin about him(his friend
    he even got no idea wheather he’s a boy or gurl

    HOWCOME ????

    im kiddin
    i got your point
    but you still have to answer my question


    internet man

    thank u for the question
    but i am saying to u that this is the reason i’ve added both
    male & female

    internet man

    thank u brother
    قلب بلا حياة

    سكر زياده



    not at all……
    and for your informations i am a gurl not aboy

    internet man

    i am so sorry for this mistake

مشاهدة 8 مشاركات - 1 إلى 8 (من مجموع 8)
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