مشاهدة مشاركة واحدة (من مجموع 1)
  • الكاتب
  • #21573
    internet man

    Ask for salary increase

    One day an employee sends a letter to his boss to
    increase his salary !!!

    Dear Bo $$
    In thi $ life, we all need $ ome
    thing mo $ t de $ perately. I think you
    $ hould be under $ tanding of the need $
    of u $ worker $ who have given $ o much
    $ upport including $ weat and $ ervice
    to your company .
    I am $ ure you will gue $$ what I mean
    and re $ pond $ oon .
    Your $ $ incerely,
    $ oh

    The next day, the employee received this letter of

    Dear NO rman,
    I k NO w you have been working very
    hard. NO wadays, NO thing much has
    changed. You must have NO ticed that
    our company is NO t doing NO ticeably
    well as yet .
    NO w the newspaper are saying the
    world`s leading eco NO mists are NO t
    sure if the United States may go into a
    NO ther recession. After the NO vember
    presidential elections things may turn
    bad .
    I have NO thing more to add NO w. You
    k NO w what I mean
    Yours truly,

مشاهدة مشاركة واحدة (من مجموع 1)
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