الرئيسية منتديات مجلس اللغات الأجنبية read this poem & tell me what it means.

مشاهدة 6 مشاركات - 1 إلى 6 (من مجموع 6)
  • الكاتب
  • #18317
    سكر زياده


    O pilgrims to the Ka’bah! Where are you? Where are you?

    The beloved is right here, come back!

    Your beloved is residing next door;

    What are you searching, confused, in the desert?

    If you see the formless manifestation of the beloved’s form

    You will be the master, the house, and the Ka’bah yourself.

    Ten times you reached that house [Ka’bah] through the same route;

    Just once climb up the roof of this house [your soul].

    (Divan 648:1-4)



    I read this Daily

    I think is very bad

    Divan is no muslim

    he say bad thinks


    Hi a gain

    look to this words:

    You will be the master, the house, and the Ka’bah yourself

    what he mean about that ???d

    not master in the earth

    It’s strange words

    In Islamic all muslims have visited ka’bah

    and Divan i think he no muslim and he no christian

    mybe he is hindoc

    thanks sugar about this subject

    best regards

    Prince of Mars


    i hope he’ll die now

    سكر زياده


    you’re right

    i think hes a jewish…
    when i read it
    i got mad….real mad



    toooooo bad

    If I meet this man I’ll kill him

مشاهدة 6 مشاركات - 1 إلى 6 (من مجموع 6)
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