مشاهدة 3 مشاركات - 1 إلى 3 (من مجموع 3)
  • الكاتب
  • #18211

    In midnight , when I walk in the black jungle ,

    I hear something !! something scary , what

    I doing ?? I’m scared , and I run !! But where ??

    Something behind me , oh what I doing ?? !!!

    The monster in every ware , oh my god !!!!

    I hidden in empty left house , but this sound

    Scare me !! I lave the house , and the sound

    Behind me , suddenly !!!! I see a light from

    A long distance , I fell saved , I went to the light

    What I found ??? I found my first and last love !!

    I found my dear ..

    Oh I forget the sound and the monster !!!

    My love tell me :” if we stay together you’ll saved !!

    And can’t anybody heart you

    Don’t worry now “

    Now close your eyes and open your hart because I wont to tell you something !!

    Words come from my hart to you !!!!

    If you see the sky ******* you will found your love

    If you lives in the stars ******* you will found one love

    One love in your life ******* who love you forever

    Now get some sleep and let machine of time circles !!!!!!

    And let the future moving , because we can’t stop the future !!!!!!!!!

    Best regards for everybody

    Prince of Mars

    سكر زياده





    oh thank your very much sugar

    I allyouone

    and you right this words from my hart

    best regard

    Prince of Mars

مشاهدة 3 مشاركات - 1 إلى 3 (من مجموع 3)
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