مشاهدة 10 مشاركات - 1 إلى 10 (من مجموع 10)
  • الكاتب
  • #18133
    سكر زياده

    اللي يدخل ويختبر يقول لنا كم علامته ok?????

    يالله بسم الله



    Correct Answer
    Each correct answer gets 10 points. But read the Notes below. Your
    Answer Your


    1. George Washington was the first President of the United States. was 10
    2. He said I looked tired and asked me if I would like to sit down. would 10
    3. My grandfather will be a hundred next year. He was born in 1903. born 10
    4. You can’t see the garden from the street because it’s behind the house. behind 10
    5. I’ve spent all my money. I can’t buy anything else. anything 10
    6. He went out in the rain and caught [or got] a nasty cold. got 8
    7. They lent him $8 and he’s paid back half. So now he owes them $4. owes 10
    8. My doctor says I shouldn’t [or mustn’t] smoke. It’s bad for the health. shouldn’t 10
    9. Her boyfriend left her, but she soon got over it. over 10
    10. The best thing for a hangover is to go to bed and sleep it off . off 10


    Your Total Score (out of 100 maximum) 98


    Yousef, 98 points is really an excellent score. Well done!
    But you can do better than that! Read the Notes below, then return to the Exercise to correct your mistakes: see if you can score 100% next time.



    The answers in your silf

    but it’s a good site


    سكر زياده

    welldone polaris

    prince what’re you mean
    whats your total score



    oh forget nothing speacial


    Exercise 1 Results for Prince


    Correct Answer
    Each correct answer gets 10 points. But read the Notes below. Your
    Answer Your


    1. George Washington was the first President of the United States. was 10
    2. He said I looked tired and asked me if I would like to sit down. would 10
    3. My grandfather will be a hundred next year. He was born in 1903. born 10
    4. You can’t see the garden from the street because it’s behind the house. behind 10
    5. I’ve spent all my money. I can’t buy anything else. anything 10
    6. He went out in the rain and caught [or got] a nasty cold. she 0
    7. They lent him $8 and he’s paid back half. So now he owes them $4. must 0
    8. My doctor says I shouldn’t [or mustn’t] smoke. It’s bad for the health. shouldn’t 10
    9. Her boyfriend left her, but she soon got over it. round 0
    10. The best thing for a hangover is to go to bed and sleep it off . off 10


    Your Total Score (out of 100 maximum) 70


    Prince, 70 points is a pretty good score. Well done!
    But you can do better than that! Read the Notes below, then return to the Exercise to correct your mistakes: see if you can score 100% next time.


    I’m the best …….. yeh

    what you think guys


    now where my gift

    سكر زياده

    you’re really good



    just i have three wrong

    but no imprtant

    any way where my gift

    سكر زياده

    heres your gift

    i hope u like it



    sure I like it


    It’s abutifull gift

    thanks again

    anybody Replays please

مشاهدة 10 مشاركات - 1 إلى 10 (من مجموع 10)
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