مشاهدة 5 مشاركات - 1 إلى 5 (من مجموع 5)
  • الكاتب
  • #17505

    قصيدة عتاب على هجر القرآن..لمسلم ماليزي

    They lie on the table side by side

    The Holy Quran and the T.V. Guide.

    One is well worn and cherished with pride.

    Not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide.

    One is used daily to help folks decide.

    Not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide.

    As the pages are turned, what shall they see?

    Oh, what does it matter, turn on the T.V.

    So they open the book in which they confide.

    No, not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide.

    The Word of Allah is seldom read.

    Maybe a verse before they fall into bed.

    Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be.

    Not from reading the Quran, from watching T.V.

    So then back to the table side by side,

    Lie the Holy Quran and the T.V. Guide.

    No time for prayer, no time for the Word,

    The plan of Istiqama is seldom heard.

    But forgiveness of sin, so full and free,

    Is found in the Quran, not on T.V.

    Take 60 seconds & give this a shot! Let’s just see

    if Satan stops this one.

    All you do is –

    ) say:

    A- Subhan Allah

    B- Alhamdolila

    C- Allaho Akbar

    D- La ilaha ila Allah Mohammed rasool Allah

    E- Allahoma sali aala sayidna Mohammed wa ala alihi

    Wasahbihi wasal’um

    from mu e-mail


    It is really a good poem and it shows the reality of how people now ignorig the holly quran, and how they keep it on the tables without even thinking that they might find inside
    it what would gaide their lives. Thank you Asmhan for this poem


    Thanks it’s nice.

    Hope to see more and more from you.


    yes I agree with lavender

    side by side and face to face

    cow by cow


    best regards

    Prince of Mars


    Saaallllllaaaam every one

    Thanks a lot 4 ur replays………….and I hope to see people spending more time reading Qran then watching TV

مشاهدة 5 مشاركات - 1 إلى 5 (من مجموع 5)
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