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  • الكاتب
  • #17487

    Part II

    I wanted to walk away, but my feet were like lead. However I forced myself to move; yet every step I took was an effort.

    The road seemed endless and the further I walked, the closer the strange figure was to me. The whisper was getting louder and louder. It now sounded more like a scream. A horrible scream. A scream of a tortured soul!!

    I tripped more than once and every time I fell, my heart trembled like a leaf of a tree. I kept on walking faster and faster and all my senses were on halt except for the instinct of survival.

    Suddenly, the scream stopped! I could no longer hear it nor feel the strange creature’s presence. I continued to walk hoping to find a way out. Unfortunately, I tripped again. Just as I was getting up, something grabbed me from my throat. I raised my hands up trying to break away and I almost died of horror when I touched the those hands. They were not human!!

    They seemed as if the were the hands of a beast or a demon from hell!!

    I wanted to scream as loud as I could but my voice didn’t come out. I was choking though I struggled as hard as I could. I fought the beast, or what ever that demon was, with a strength that I never thought I had but it was useless. The beast was much more stronger. The more I resisted, the tighter his grip was.

    The scream was now louder than ever. It was like boiling poison pouring into my ears. The monster was muttering something. I couldn’t guess what he was saying. I was terrified and even my bones were shaking.

    I closed my eyes ready to give up and die when the monster uttered these words: “YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE.” “YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE.” “IT’S NOW TIME TO PAY THE PRICE.”

    Wait for part 3. It’s going to be a thrill!


    Up to now it’s wonderful, frightening and exciting.

    Waiting for the fourth part .

    Bint AL-hejaz

    it’s really a intresting harrow story i can’t waite to
    read the rest … please don’t take long for part 3

    we are waiting

مشاهدة 3 مشاركات - 1 إلى 3 (من مجموع 3)
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