مشاهدة 4 مشاركات - 1 إلى 4 (من مجموع 4)
  • الكاتب
  • #17448

    The party was great. Everybody had fun. They sang, danced, laughed and ate a lot of birthday cake. But it was way past midnight and it was time for me to go home.
    I said my goodbyes and wished them all a goodnight. I walked down the street knowing it was almost impoosible to find a taxi at this time of the night. So walking home was the only option.
    It was was a cold and a cloudy night as it is expected around this time of the year. Even the silver moon went behind the black clouds as if to say “sleep tight”.
    I kept thinking about how wonderful the party was and how much fun I had and I guess I was overwhelmed by my thoughts that I didn’t realize that I’ve taken the wrong turn. The road began to get narrower, darker and creepy. I was no longer able to hear a sound except those of my foot steps and my beating heart.
    I stood there for a minute trying to find out where to go next, but nature turned out to be merceful after all. The black clouds started to move away slowly; allowing a tiny moon light to brighten my path and to bring peace to my shivering soul.
    I looked around and to my shock a strange shadow was just nearby. At a glance it was huge and almost ghostly figure. But that all I could see for darkness wrapped the place again and a creepy noise was whispiring behind my shoulders…


    oh my there was a shadow! and whispiring as well!!!
    hurry with part 2!!



    now i think I love the party

    but not any party …………. just the big

    thanks for your subject


    To AL Samt: I’m still working on part 2 so you have to wait

    .Sorry Just remember patience is a virtue

مشاهدة 4 مشاركات - 1 إلى 4 (من مجموع 4)
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