الرئيسية منتديات مجلس اللغات الأجنبية -Last Breath- please all!! listen to it

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  • #16679

    Salaam..good morning everyone
    I got this link from a friend; I hope u will like the ‘nashedah’ Islamic Song? The lyric is great and Ahmad Bu Kater making the meaning of the words reaches to our mind as soon as we hear it. The words make us think of what we are doing now and what we are wasting in our life..who knows, tomorrow could be your day!?….nice one..listen to it and you will know what I mean

    Enjoy it

    Last Breath


    Last Breath-click here and wait for the loading to finish
    in cause no1 noticed the link before!

    Bint AL-hejaz

    salamu alikom sister/brother
    jazak allah khair for this link. you are right the words are so strong it really touched my heart and to be honest with you it brought the tears to my eyes.

    Please if you know more sites of Islamic nasheeds posted here so we can all visit personally I have been looking for this sort of sites for quite some time now.

    Thank you again


    O3lukom el salaam o elra7mah Bint Al-hejaz
    am glad that u liked the link – btw i tried it now and it didnt work..i guess the owner of the site if updating in it or so- anyway as for the sites you asked for…do you mean English Islamic songs ? or in arabic? as for the english..this is the only one i know for now..as for the arabic..soon am gonna add the links in here and am gonna look for the english as well… thanks for your reply..have a nice day


    hi every one . thank u (( assamt)) for this nasheed . it touch my heart until some tears start to get out my eyes . really i like it so much . also i like to watch another sites like that . thanx .



    hi sister

    it is great fro0m u to0 give us this link
    yaaaa …
    Do0 no0t delay

مشاهدة 6 مشاركات - 1 إلى 6 (من مجموع 6)
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