مشاهدة 5 مشاركات - 1 إلى 5 (من مجموع 5)
  • الكاتب
  • #16486

    Smile Today Friend–

    Smiling is infectious,
    you catch it like the flu,
    When someone smiled at me today,
    I started smiling too.

    I passed around the corner
    and someone saw my grin.
    When he smiled I realized,
    I’d passed it on to him.

    I thought about that smile
    then I realized its worth.
    A single smile, just like mine
    could travel round the earth.

    So, if you feel a smile begin,
    don’t leave it undetected.
    Let’s start an epidemic quick,
    and get the world infected!

    Keep the smile going by
    sending this on to a friend.
    Everyone needs a smile!!!

    Thanks for reading


    thank you senuor Nader
    here i am smiling after a bad mood



    .this very good


    No thanks على واجب my friend الصمت .


    Hi every one . thanks for these nice words . Smiling is the only facial expression that is understood instantly all over the world . it is the only one that is contagious, that is, if one person starts smiling, then the people ho or she meets usually start smiling too. Smiling is also the expression most easily recognized-we can see a smile on someone’s face at a distance of 45 meters but we need to be much closer to see other expressions.


مشاهدة 5 مشاركات - 1 إلى 5 (من مجموع 5)
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