مشاهدة 8 مشاركات - 1 إلى 8 (من مجموع 8)
  • الكاتب
  • #16030
    Bint AL-hejaz

    “There is only one courage and that is the courage to let go of the past, not to collect it, not to accumulate it, not to stick to it. We all stick to the past, and because we stick to the past we become unavailable to the present.”

    The past provides many things for us. It is a school of learning out of which we base decisions. It is a comfort as we reminisce about good times and relive the warmth of relationships and events. It is also a trap. The past is a foundation for the present, and as such provides events to be built upon rather than to dwell upon. If a builder constantly dwelt upon the foundation of a building, the rest of the building would never get completed. If we spend too much time longing for bygone things or fail to take new risks because of our fears of repeating the past, we cease to grow and we become mired in the mud of weakness. The only thing we can do something about is the present. The only way we can create a positive past is to be alive in the present, for then when the present becomes the past we can say: “Yes, I lived and loved and grew and learned, and made the past a constant positive product of living life to the fullest in the present

    So enjoy the warm memories of the past, but don’t try to live in them. I use to live the past differently but this is how I live it now and I am thankful that I have the experience of life. Learn from the hardship and challenges of the past, but don’t let them bog down the present. They are only snapshots in the photo album of life to be looked at occasionally but only occasionally. Live in the present and create the moments anew. Feel the electricity of life in the here and now. That is living in the present. That is being truly alive.

    This is from my heart to yours

    Bint al-hejaz


    you are so great sis….
    thank you for your meaningful words ……
    yes, our past is the foundation and we really learn and build in the present and for the future…..


    Bint AL-hejaz

    and you are so cute sis
    i am glad to know my reflection to part of my life experince had made sense to you.
    i hope inshallah you could share yours with us too

    thank you sis


    I want to ask one question which is

    Can we judge the person by his past?

    plz answer wether yes or no and say why because it’s realluy a very important issue.


    الرد على :

    Can we judge the person by his past

    Hii dear…….

    From my point of view ….I don’t think that it’s fair to judge others by their past…..

    Coz……..if u do a mistak one day….& then u correct ur mistak…((.so that u have open a new page in ur live as we say in arabic))…..would u like others to even talk about ur past…..?! I thing the answer will be no…..that’s why u have to treat others as u like them 2 teart u ……and don’t judge others by their past………..


    Haii sister

    I do agree with you and in fact iam experiencing such a situation that is someone asked to marry me but my family refused because of his past and i see that he is a very straight person and the most important thing is that he knows Allah and he pray and never listen to music , so tell me what’s wrong with this gentle man?my family can’t understand it but i will try and try because the prophet mohammed said:
    في ما معنى الحديث :إذا جائكم من ترضون دينه و خلقه فزوجوه … إلى آخر الحديث.

    Bint AL-hejaz

    salam sister JasmiN

    Life offers so many opportunities to learn and grow. Through out this process people make mistakes but learn from each of them This is a natural and necessary part of the learning process. Sister I believe we should not be looking at anyone past but rather look at what have they achieved now and what level have they elevated their mind and soul to. “ Allah the most greatest is so merciful and forgives so what right do we have as humans with many sin!!!”

    But sis many parents are a people of habit. they develop their opinions usually based on what people told them or through experiences. But when these beliefs become set and them carry it into the present without looking at things from a fresh viewpoint they tend to become robots of their thoughts. most think they know how a certain thing is suppose to be and that’s it! Growth stops. yet sister they are our parents and we have to obey them in all cases and try to convince them else I guess you just have to let go of him.

    Overall we should open the doorway of our mind and heart and be willing to look at people and life from a different position–one not loaded by the walls and chains of prior actions and beliefs. Real growth is within our reach and that’s for this

    generation us and the coming to achieve

    i wish you all the best sister with your decision and may Allah guide you through it


    Thanks sister for your great response and i will do my best to convince my family because iam convinced of him not emotionally but logically

مشاهدة 8 مشاركات - 1 إلى 8 (من مجموع 8)
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