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  • الكاتب
  • #15993

    يسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Women Liberty :

    One day, the women of the world got together and decided not to work anymore. No more laundry, no more cooking, no more cleaning, etc. So they all went to their respective countries and homes and decided to meet again the following week to report progress.

    A week later, the French lady is telling about her experience: I went home and told my husband that I will not do housework from now on. I will not clean, will not cook. The first day I didn’t see anything. The second day I didn’t see anything. The third day, he brought me breakfast in bed and cooked a delicious meal for lunch.

    Then came the British lady’s turn: I went home and told my husband that I will not do housework from now on. I will not clean, I will not cook. The first day I didn’t see anything. The second day I didn’t see anything. The third day, he went to the supermarket and did all our grocery shopping, came back and cleaned the whole house.

    Om Ali came last with her story: Ana ro7t el bait. Oltelo, ya Abu Aly, ana mesh hashtaghal. Mesh hatbokh, mesh hakness, mesh hakwi. Awwel yom ma shftesh 7aga. Tani yom ma shoftesh 7aga. Talet yom, shoft shwayya b3aini el shemaal.

    Opening :

    A man went to apply for a job. After filling out all of his application, he waited anxiously for the outcome.

    The employer read all his application and said, “We have an opening for people like you.”

    “Oh, great,” he said, “What is it?”

    “It’s called the door!”

    Actual Courtroom Scenes :

    Q: What is your date of birth?

    A: July fifteenth.

    Q: What year?

    A: Every year

    Q: How old is your son, the one living with you.

    A: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can’t remember which.

    Q: How long has he lived with you?

    A: Forty-five years.

    غداً تموتين.. غداً تحملين على الأعناق.. أتدرين إلى أين ؟! إلى حفرة ضيقة مظلمة توضعين فيها وحيدة .. لا أنيس ولا حبيب إلا الدود !!

    ما بالنا نتعامى عن مصائرنا ننسى بغفلتنا من ليس ينسانا


    Hello reema…thanks a lot for the jokes! oh boy poor um Ali lol….and i liked the joke about the job thing, i hope that will not happen to me ….thanks again…and we will be waiting for ur writing in here


    Its nice jokes

    thanks reema

    with my love for everybody

    Prince of Mars


    Oh ####### nice

    I hope myself not to be in that opening door .

    And my recommendation to Om Ali , that not to give up hope.


    yeh me to lavender

    see you soon everybody



    It is amazing.

    Thanks for your beautiful and loooooooong joke.

مشاهدة 6 مشاركات - 1 إلى 6 (من مجموع 6)
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