مشاهدة 3 مشاركات - 1 إلى 3 (من مجموع 3)
  • الكاتب
  • #15759


    When you are sad
    I will dry your tears.

    When you are scared
    I will comfort your fears

    When you are confused
    I will help you cope.

    And when you are lost
    and can’t see the light

    I shall be your beacon
    shining ever so bright.

    This is my oath
    I pledge till the end.

    Why you may ask
    because you’re my friend

    Bint AL-hejaz

    thank you sister for this nice words but to be honest i guess it
    is only words. now days no one see frienship as we all hear about it and read, i guess after all it is only books talk. whom ever think or believe they have this friendship then you should cherish other wise don’t try to search for it for it is not worth it.

    sorry for been harsh but so do life.


    thank you sister ,
    there are alot of people who shre you this belief and i may be one of them ……but , i always try to defeat this feeling inside me and try to to say to myself that those words in these books sometimes exist in our life……….

    thank you again ………

مشاهدة 3 مشاركات - 1 إلى 3 (من مجموع 3)
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