الرئيسية منتديات مجلس الصحة WALKING FOR BREAST CANCER? WHY?

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  • الكاتب
  • #150123

    [L][L]Walking for breast cancer? Why?
    Washington – Every year, major breast cancer charities like Susan G Komen and the Avon Foundation encourage people to raise money by walking.
    Each year, multiple organisations put on hundreds of walks, raising tens of millions of dollars. Since the 1980s, they’ve argued that these efforts are key to ending a devastating disease. About their three-day event, Komen proclaims: “This isn’t just a walk. It’s the journey to the end of breast cancer.”
    As executive director of the national Breast Cancer Action organisation, I’ve seen these walks become larger, shinier and more closely tied to their corporate sponsors. That bloat is bad for supporters and those with cancer alike.
    Here’s why: The cost of putting on breast cancer walks today, especially multi-day walks, can be extravagant. And many of the best-known breast cancer charities don’t report how much their walks cost or raise, so it’s impossible to find out how much money really goes to breast cancer programmes. These figures should be easy to find, especially as some walks require people to raise thousands of dollars to participate.
    For example, based on their news releases, the Avon Foundation raised about $34-million from their two-day walks last year. They gave about $18-million in grants to breast cancer organisations. That means 47 percent of the money raised by walk participants wasn’t publicly accounted for. If all that money is going toward putting on the walks themselves, participants and donors deserve that information so they can decide whether that’s the way they want to spend their time, money and energy.

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