مشاهدة مشاركة واحدة (من مجموع 1)
  • الكاتب
  • #15009

    Someone had sent me this , which touched something inside my Heart … Hope you like it as i did

    Did you ever love someone so much that it hurts?

    Did you ever hold them in your arms
    and were afraid to let them go?

    Did you ever dream about them
    and never want to wake cause they would be gone
    and they were never really yours to take

    Did you ever wonder why
    you fell so madly in love with them?

    Did you ever think
    that someone could make you feel so good?

    Did you ever look into their eyes
    and see into their soul?

    Did you ever hear them say good-bye
    and were afraid it was for good?

    Did you ever cry yourself to sleep
    because you missed them so?

    Did you ever ask yourself why
    and knew that you would never know?

    Did you ever see them going home
    to someone else’s arms?

    Did you ever know you couldn’t have them
    but wouldn’t let them go?

    Did you ever know you found the one
    who makes your life complete?

    Did you ever have to give up the best thing in your life
    in order to make someone else happy?

    Did you ever feel the pain of longing to be
    with the one you can’t have?

    Did you ever try to say good-bye
    and love the one you’re with only to realize
    that in your heart you will always love him forever

    حيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ سموحه ــاكم

مشاهدة مشاركة واحدة (من مجموع 1)
  • يجب تسجيل الدخول للرد على هذا الموضوع.

يستخدم موقع مجالسنا ملفات تعريف الارتباط الكوكيز لتحسين تجربتك في التصفح. سنفترض أنك موافق على هذا الإجراء، وفي حالة إنك لا ترغب في الوصول إلى تلك البيانات ، يمكنك إلغاء الاشتراك وترك الموقع فوراً . موافق إقرأ المزيد