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  • الكاتب
  • #14951
    Bint AL-hejaz

    being in a group

    Let us say you are meeting with a group of people and everybody is agreeing. This is a perfect situation, right? Well, maybe yes, but more likely no. Agreeing comes from many reasons and motives. Some people are just silent and we perceive it as agreeing. Others nod their heads without any words. Still others utter a “mmm” or a quiet “yes.” This is done and off you go down some road, but is it the right road and did everyone really agree or just “go with the flow?” Was there another idea left unspoken.

    The most creative advances and resolution of problems do not
    initially come from everyone agreeing. They come from an exchange of ideas. They come from people gathering to find answers and doing so in an atmosphere of respect, inquiry, investigation and the fabulous exchange of information, ideas and knowledge. They come by listening, not idly but actively. Eventually a consensus may be reached but not before an open exchange of information is allowed.

    So the next time you are involved in a group discussion about resolving a problem or creating something, make certain you are not the one who keeps people on the narrow road. Instead be the one who opens the door to exploration. Risk it! It is worth it. You will not lose and can gain so much as ideas are expressed, discussed, intertwined and ultimately formulated into magical solutions and events.


    For me! i wish to have a group that always agree to what i say;) hahaha .. realy i am not joking! all of my friends, when we are talking and discussion about something we need to do! it ends out with a fights, because: you will say an idea and other will say an idea! and every one is thinking that his idea was the best! they are not thinking to combine the two idea’s together to come out with something nice .. No .. they will say: your idea is silly, please don’t waste out our time … (( they don’t know that somtimes big projects started with such silly idea’s )) .. but what else i can say

    I know some people who likes to argue on anything, even when it is correct! because they don’t want to keep quiet;) wallah believe me .. I have a colleague who is always creating difficult situation with his idea’s.. i always asking him! why do you do that?? he is replying: Just Like that

    So i notice that he like to tease them! even when he knows that they are right! ..

    it is nice to have open mind people to discuss and share idea’s ..(who let you to contribute with them! and listen to you even if you are silly;) .. not giving you a cold shoulder with your idea’s ..
    So like that, it helps you to discover so many things .. and i can tell you that you are lucky! if you got an Open mind friend who does’t blam you in every little mistake, But he guide you and show you how to make use of your idea’s

    thx for the subject

    حيـــــــــــــــــــــــ سموحه ـــاش

    Bint AL-hejaz

    salamu alikom sis
    i was meant to reply while ago but i was so rapid up with my uni work, so excuse me for the delay.
    to be honest i thought i had the worse communication channel in my previous groups but from what i see comparing to yours alhmdullah they are not too bad after all i guess
    your group is quite frustrating specially that guy i think he needs or a to teach him how he deals with people specially team members
    may Allah help you

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