الرئيسية منتديات مجلس اللغات الأجنبية Let`s chat in English راح ندردش بالانجلش

مشاهدة 15 مشاركة - 76 إلى 90 (من مجموع 399)
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  • #1345426
    Hi dear KKKm

    Welcome,,we miss u

    You r right dear..

    Students suffer from the way of teaching..

    & student should move the idea that English is difficult


    Salam All,

    Flowers Are Red”…

    It’s like a story of a little boy and his teachers…
    Dawud Wharnsby has performed this song as an “Unshoda”

    Click [ Here ] to watch it as a YouTube video

    I hope you like it But there must still be away to have our children to say:

    There are so many colors in the rainbow
    So many colors in the morning sun
    So many colors in the flower and I see every one

    Hi Wish,,

    How r u??

    It is the first time I heard this Enshoda

    It is very nice..I like it

    There are so many colors in the rainbow
    So many colors in the morning sun
    So many colors in the flower and I see every one



    hey all

    how are u ? hope u doing well so far..
    its realy good idea to start chatting this way to prove your self on your own way..

    keep on going

    bless you


    Hi everyone

    Welcome bro palestineocean


    Salam all,

    Yeah, as our bro suggested, starting this talk is a good idea… and we should keep it going on

    Speaking of “keep it going on “.. Banoot you promised we gonna keep it going on, remember??…

    Then, where are you


    Hi , everybody ,almanar how r U I miss you too .. sorry I didn’t have time to chat with you . good night


    Hi everyone,,

    We need some topics to talk about..

    Hi KKKm

    How r u,,

    I know dear that u r busy with your study,,do your best :),,’

    Wish u all the best


    good morning .. where r u ? let’s talk about which is better for the women study or marriage ?
    I will start and I think the study is better

    Hi bro & sis,, KKKm,,nice topic to talk about,, Is it better for women to continue study or get marriage?!

    from my opinion, I think it is better to continue studying after secondary school

    it is early to get marriage directly after school,,hahahaha


    hi everybody sorry for being late pardon me


    ok today i wanna tell u about the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
    i read it in my last course in the uni and i made summary about it, its a tragic love play.

    The Major characters:
    Romeo, son to Montague.
    Juliet, daughter to Capulet.
    Mercutio, kinsman to the prince, and friend to Romeo.
    Montague, heads of two house at variance with each other.
    Capulet, heads of two house at variance with each other.
    Nurse to Juliet.
    Benvolio, nephew to Montague, and friend to Romeo.
    Lady Montague, wife to Montague.
    Lady Capulet, wife to Capulet.

    The Minor characters:

    Tybalt, nephew to lady Capulet.
    Paris, a young nobleman, kinsman to Prince.
    Friar Laurence, a Franciscan.
    Friar John, of the same order.
    Balthasar, servant to Romeo.
    Escalus, Prince of Verona.
    Three Musicians.
    An Apothecary.
    Abraham, servant to Montague.
    Peter, servant to Juliet’s nurse.
    Gregory, servant to Capulet.
    Sampson, servant to Capulet.
    An old man, of the Capulet family.
    Citizens of Verona; kinsman of both houses; Maskers, Guards, Watchmen, and, Attendants.
    Plot summary:

    Romeo and Juliet is a famous and popular play which was written by William Shakespeare. It based on love, fate, change and tragedy. It tracks the story of two lovers from opposing families who are involved in an ancient feud, to their death.
    The play begins as the servants of the feuding families of Capulet and Montague fight each other. Benvolio, a Montague tries to stop the fighting but he embroiled when Tybalt, Capulet arrives, But Prince Escalus prevents any further conflicts between the families.
    Romeo, the son of Montague, tells his cousin Benvolio that he is in love with
    Rosaline, but she does not care about his love. Benvolio tells him that he should forget her and find another more beautiful one. On the other hand, Paris, a kinsman of the Prince, seeks Juliet’s hand in marriage. Her father Capulet become happy and asks Paris to wait two years, because Juliet is not yet even fourteen. Capulet send a servant with a list of people to invite to the feast he holds. He invites Paris in order to win Juliet’s heart. The servant gives the invitation to Benvolio and Romeo. Then, Benvolio suggests that they attend in order to allow Romeo to compare his beloved with other women. But Romeo agrees to go because he reads the name of Rosaline on the list. At the feast in Capulet household Romeo sees Juliet and falls in love with her. He forgets about Rosaline. Then, Romeo speaks with Juliet and both experience a profound attraction. They kiss without knowing each other names. When he knows from her nurse that Juliet is the daughter of Capulet (his family’s enemy) he becomes distraught and Juliet becomes upset.
    After that, Romeo leaps over the orchard wall into the garden, he sees Juliet in a window and hears her speak his name then, and they exchange vows of love. After that, Romeo goes to see his friend Friar Laurence he shocked at the sudden turn of Romeo’s heart but he agrees to marry the lovers in secret and he sees their love will end the feud between Capulet and Montague. After that day, Romeo and Juliet meet at Friar Laurence’s cell and they married. The nurse put a ladder, which Romeo will use to climb into Juliet’s window for their wedding night.
    The next day, Benvolio and Mercutio fight Tybalt, Romeo tries to stop them but Tybalt kills Mercutio then Romeo kills Tybalt and the Prince exile Romeo to Mantua. After that, Juliet learns that her father affected by the recent events, so he
    intends for her to marry Paris in just three days. But she can’t tell her parents that she is married Romeo. Then, Juliet hurries to Friar Laurence he draws a plan to reunite Juliet with Romeo. The night before her wedding to Paris, Juliet must drink a potion that will make her appear to be dead. After she is laid to rest in family’s crypt. Friar and Romeo come secretly and take her and she will be free to

    live with Romeo away from their parent’s feuding.
    When Juliet returns to home she discovers that the wedding will be tomorrow. At night, Juliet drinks the potion, the nurse discovers her dead, the next morning the Capulet grieve and Juliet is entombed according to plan. But Friar Laurence’s message explaining the plan to Romeo never reaches Mantua. Romeo learns only of Juliet’s death and decides to kill himself. He buys poison and back to Verona to take his life at Juliet’s tomb. Romeo comes to Paris, who put flowers on Juliet’s grave. They fight then Romeo kills Paris and drinks poison and dies by her side. After that Juliet awakes and sees her beloved Romeo has killed himself with poison. She kisses his poison lips, and when that does not kill her, buries his dagger in her chest and falling dead upon his body.
    The lady Montague had died of grief over Romeo. Capulet and Montague end their long feud.


    ok after readin the summary tell me if u like the story and if u like the endin of the play


    Hey hey…girls!

    You are getting so active in here

    Hi everyone,,

    hope u r enjoying your time LOVE

    Thanks bannot,,

مشاهدة 15 مشاركة - 76 إلى 90 (من مجموع 399)
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