الرئيسية منتديات مجلس اللغات الأجنبية Let`s chat in English راح ندردش بالانجلش

مشاهدة 15 مشاركة - 181 إلى 195 (من مجموع 399)
  • الكاتب
  • #1366549

    why u r sad,,u should be happy


    i’m happy and sad
    happy coz i will graduate
    sad coz my family didn’t allow me to attend the party:(


    why that,,

    it is your day,,they should let u attend the party,,

    I’m sorry dear


    u know coz its mix


    no matter if it is mix or not,,u r going to graduate

    actually I don’t know!!!,,they should allow u to go,,

    all the best dear


    Dear all,

    First of all, Eid Mubark!
    Yeah, toooooooooo much late, I know!…
    But, you know, it’s eid! family time, hanging out, here and there… bla bla bla…

    Never mind! here I am…

    Sweetheart banoot …


    Hi , h r u ?? I miss u all


    Salam dear kkkm

    You got 5 out of 5 for your presentation


    Hey friends…

    Serious talk…

    Let’s say you had an idea of something you want to do for your life
    You went and gave it a try but you, unfortunately, failed!

    Then you get a chance to try again, but this time you are not sure at all if it’s a good or a bad idea

    Now you ask the friends you trust

    All of them, think it’s not a good idea and you should forget about it…

    So you think: “well, yeah, I too guess it is not a very good idea”

    But deep inside, you think may be its not that bad…
    And no matter how hard you try, you can not forget about it!

    I say: it sounds crazy to try it again after all of this, isn’t it?!

    What do you think??


    Hi dear Wish,,

    Good thing to talk about


    me, if I decided to do something or to get something ,I will try & try until I got it,,I will not give up,,even if it is bad idea to do it again & again.!!

    That only when the thing I want, is worth,,!!

    but, if the thing doesn’t worth to try for it again & again, & it
    will waste my time,,I will not try to do it second time,,!!

    this is my opinion,,if I did understand the topic correctly.!!


    Dear Manoor

    I really admire the willpower that you have!!
    The determination to achieve what you want, without giving up, means that you are a strong person
    Some people lose hope and give up so easy… so quickly…

    Yes, dear you got it right and thanks for telling us your opinion



    Yesterday, my friends – since uni days – and I were having a little chat by SMS’s ….


    I’m sorry dear,,

    This is the life,,!!

    Thanks God there is MSM to communicate with them..


    Yeah, I guess you are right…
    “This is life”…

    Well, for you, I guess you don’t have to worry…
    Spring vacation is coming soon
    So maybe you will have a chance to meet them when you go back home


    Hi , h r u girls
    some times if the idea bad I forget it , but if it good I try till I get what iwant

مشاهدة 15 مشاركة - 181 إلى 195 (من مجموع 399)
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