مشاهدة 3 مشاركات - 1 إلى 3 (من مجموع 3)
  • الكاتب
  • #113107
    بلا حدود

    السلام عليكم جميعا ,,,,,,
    hello ever body ,,,,,its ma first time 2 partecipate here wid ya in thise fourm ,,,,,, mmmm i just wrot a silly song while i was bord 2 death ,,,,,,mmmmm and i was thinking of shearing it wid ya ,,,,, plz just ignor da spelling mistakes hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy

    early in the morning the watch was alerning
    a rush 2 the wash room without cleaning ma bedroom
    starting ma new day hell with a bad way
    fighting with ma sisters n the fat made
    i went out running through the gate
    the bus came late btween 6 & 8
    i reached the school n it was rely cool
    ia met ma friends n sum1 fool
    i face a lot of people their everyday
    n most of them sweet BTW
    bad nasty hell no way
    thy r ma gangs any way
    now ma new story start in ma class
    the teacher interred with a nerdy glass
    the whole class was bored 2 death
    thy couldn’t even handle a single breath
    ppl r u ready 4 a new eazy test
    here is da paper n wish u al tha bst
    tha 1st test waz realy realy bad
    a don evn kno wt i had
    i wanted 2 take a peek but i saw a stick
    n tht made me oh kindda freak
    n i waz scard 4 abou week
    waitting 4 rezults n wt a had speak
    finally a got it n it waz wird
    a didn bliv wut i have heard
    I passd tha test without being redy
    bt oo hell dude u reLy got 2 study
    coz life aint always in dat way easy
    yo learn ur subject and read da holly book
    pray to God and then go and take a look
    I have 2 sentences r left to say
    with out Limits is on her way
    to kiss good bye & run away

    بلا حدود

    mmmmmm and BTW i have a problem in choseing right words and i have problem wid da grummer as well ,,,,,,,,,,,,,sory 4 dat ppl

    Hi dear بلا حدود

    I like your words..nice..

    I’m happy to see U here in this section and in Majalisna..

مشاهدة 3 مشاركات - 1 إلى 3 (من مجموع 3)
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