الرئيسية منتديات مجلس اللغات الأجنبية مع الترجمة ( Shores of your eyes (My new poem

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  • الكاتب
  • #108185
    **أم معاذ**

    Dear colleagues.

    I would like to share with you my poems, I actually had many participations in Oman daily, but it was in Arabic not in English , but recently

    some of my friends from Sultan Qaboos University requested me to send her my poems to translate it to English , as she is working as a translator , then they can release it in Observer Newspaper.

    However, I have many poems in English and I thought to share it with you, by the way (the original one, which is in Arabic is written by myself).

    Enjoy reading and have a great day.

    Shores of your eyes

    On the shores of your eyes,
    My ship of compassion lands,
    My emotion in your endless blackness of your eyes sinks.

    When my aimless ship to all but not to your eyes overflowed,
    I felt the closeness of ending
    But it was just the beginning.

    The shores of your eyes are always attacked by cyclones,
    And your fickle mood sails in the world of fears,
    Yet, I make it my port for all kinds of ships.

    In your heart,
    I search for safety,
    I dream of love breaking silence.

    My soul sways between sadness and untrue happiness,
    Dangles between delusion and imagination.
    Suddenly, I woke up with my tears kicking to burst.
    I throw myself in silence arms,
    Hindering my steps and launching confusion and puzzlement.
    I want a shore for my ship only.
    I want a love not feared of or feared for.
    I wish the world hears the story of my tedious waiting and the greatness of my passions and sensations
    But I am scared.
    Love has never been to me, a secret hiding between eyelids.
    You want a satisfying answer and I want a convincing conclusion.
    Shall I sail in my ship a new and forget about your shores of eyes?
    Shall I search for a new shore dream of nothing but my tenderness?

    I know nothing but that I will not forget your eyes,
    Capturing my heart,
    Summarizing earth words,
    Negotiating my tears,
    And freezing my senses.

    وهذه هي الترجمة:

    على شواطئ عينيك رست سفينة حناني, وأغرقت كل عواطفي
    في ليل عينيك الذي يبدأ ولا ينتهي..
    وغمرت سفينتي التي رحلت يوماًَ بغير هدف إلا هدف عينيك…
    و ظننت أن الرحلة انتهت… لكنها كانت البداية…!
    فشاطئ عينيك معرض دوماًَ للأعاصير… ومزاجك المتقلب الخائف..يبحر في عالم الخوف
    ومع ذلك فقد جعلته مرسى لكل السفن…!بحثت عن الأمن في صدرك..
    حلمت بكلمات الحب تخترق جدار الصمت فوجدت روحي مُعلقة بين الحزن والفرح المُختلقْ
    أجدُهَا تتدلى بين الأوهام والخيال فـسـأستفيق على عبرات تركلني.. !!
    حتى أرتمي بين أحضان صمتٍ يُعرقل خطواتي..

    ومع صمتي الطويل بدأت حيرتي… ! فأنا أريد شاطئا ينتظر سفينتي وحدها

    أريد حبا لا أخاف منه أو عليه…أريد أن أروى للناس قصة انتظاري وروعتة عواطفي…
    لكني خائفة…! ! لم أعرف يوما أن الحب قد يكون ..بل سرا يختبئ في ظل الجفون…

    تريد حلا يرضيك, وأنا أريد نهاية تقنعني…هل سأبحر بسفينتي من جديد وسأنسى أنني حلمت بشاطئ عيني
    هل سأبحث عن عرفا وشاطئ جديد لا يحلم إلا بحناني وينتهي ليله وأعاصيرة حين وصولي؟
    لا أعلم… ولكن ستظل عيناك تأسر شغاف قلبي… النظرات….. فهي ببساطة…
    تختزل في وصفها كل ما على الأرض
    تجمد سكناتي…
    تفاوض عبراتي…
    تداعب خلجاتي…
    كافية هي تلك النظرات فهي ببساطة…
    تختزل في وصفها كل ما على الأرض من كلمات.


    Thanks dear ام معاذ…

    really it is very very very nice poem..
    your words are very strong and wonderful..
    they hold a great meaning..

    good luck and keep it up..
    Best wishes for you dear..


    nice poem i like it
    keep going in this way
    best wishes


    so woderful
    nice one

    i like it

    go on and
    pls keep sharing with us your
    nice words

    wish u luck
    god bless you


    that was so wonderful poem

    we’ll be waiting for your new poem

    thaaank you very much

    best wishes from your sister


    thank you
    nice poem i like it

    **أم معاذ**

    First of all, I would like to apologize for delay and I would like to thank all of you for your responds, I appreciate it, really your words are incentive for me to do the best.

    Thanks colleague and have a nice and great day.


    Hi Um Moaath,

    Great words, I really enjoy your poem.

    Well done


    الحلا كله



    i like ur poem

    i hope to see more

    good luck

مشاهدة 9 مشاركات - 1 إلى 9 (من مجموع 9)
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