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  • الكاتب
  • #10200

    Day: Tuesday Time: what’s after midnight I guess it’s about 1:00 am wow!

    I know it’s too late even for me but I guess that’s a student life for you well what am I suppose to do. I mean you get a lot of easements to do well normally they are essays. I have to do five of them each is a 1000 word essay at the least. That means a lot of reading and writing especially on the computer I wonder sometimes if I didn’t have to face this misery of mine well it’s not really that bad.

    There was this one time when I was walking to the medicine building and of course on my way there I had taken the way to union house a place where is near to the uniy campus where all the students meet up at lunch time is the cool place in uniy. By just setting there you had wittiness the most important part on the university without it the campus wouldn’t be complete ever! Sometimes you get surprise what you can get during the lunch break hour sometimes the students arranging music shows and the club meetings but on Tuesdays witch is today there is a silver market where you can get your accsosariess. In all different shapes and sizes. And they do sell old records of music like rock and jazz. One of my personal favourites. So there when I just walk by I get to see different kinds of people walking by.

    You can see by the way they dress and yes one of the best behaviour among us Arabs is looking and stirring at people lolz but to tell you the truth …they don’t know how to dress up. I mean common where can you find someone who would dress up for school it’s like a mantel sick thing to do. But no body cares about what you wear or look but for me I think it’s better to dress good for the reason of giving a good impertion. Belieave me you can look fine by just wearing a shirt (for boys) and a tops (for girls) with a pair of jeans and still look smart but no somehow they as in the Australians, Americans and the Asians don’t even care less. I see girls wear black and put those black lipsticks looking like ……..and boys dress up as hippies. It actually hit my head to think do they ever take a shower. By the looks of that you couldn’t tell.

    But wow I mean ma shallah 3aleehum talk about brains! They have it all especially the Asians and you would think you had a problem with the person who is sitting right next to you in class.yo! Wake up that’s nothing capering to what your eyes is about to see. It’s tuff I can tell by some of my friends who are in my same intake who have also the same problem. I mean sometimes I get this felling that I’m so small in class like a bug just ready to be crushed. By the other so-called intelligent students God. It can be a pain sometimes. And depressing at most of the time…I miss Sundays it’s the begging of the week and I feel bad.

    It’s not healthy I know…to be continued in the late evening of this day. It’s still the first hour of the day…


    مافهمت اصلا ماحاولت افك الخط ههههههههههه
    بس مشكورين


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مشاهدة 3 مشاركات - 1 إلى 3 (من مجموع 3)
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